Judy Cook, Folksinger

Civil War Hijinks

We tell the story of camp life and leisure during the Civil War through excerpts of family letters,songs of the Civil War, and projected images. Gilbert was Judy’s great-great-grandfather, a Wisconsin farmer, drafted at age 40, and stationed in Western KY. His wife Esther and their two teen aged sons kept the small farm going. The songs and tunes include both well-known and unfamiliar gems. The themes are timeless: joy and sorrow, humor, courage and love. Each song and tune helps to tell the story. The story is told in the words of the people of the day: the writers of the songs and Gilbert and Esther. The audience is transported to the days of the Civil War in a very personal, eye-witness experience. The letters between Judy's great-great-grandparents are in her book A Quiet Corner of the War (University of Wisconsin Press).

Recordings are Copyright Judy Cook and free for your personal use.
Audio from WOBC
Video from Hijinks 720
Higher resolution versions of all recordings are available for presentation. Contact Judy for permission and files.

15 Songs

Arms of Abraham Source Lyrics Recordings
Aunt Jemima's Plaster Source Lyrics Recordings
Blue Tail Fly Source Lyrics Recordings
Brass Mounted Army Source Lyrics Recordings
Captain With His Whiskers, The Source Lyrics Recordings
Girl I Left Behind Me (Tune) Source Recordings
Good Times in the Army Boys Source Lyrics Recordings
Hurrah For Mary Source Lyrics Recordings
Irish Jaunting Car Source Lyrics Recordings
Just Before the Battle, Mother Source Lyrics Recordings
Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us Source Lyrics Recordings
Skedaddling Song Source Lyrics Recordings
Song of Jokes Source Lyrics Recordings
The Valiant Conscript Source Lyrics Recordings
We'll Fight for Uncle Abe Source Lyrics Recordings