Aunt Jemima she was old, But very kind and clever
She had a notion of her own, That she would marry never;
She said that she would live in peace, And none should be her master;
She made her living day by day, In selling of a plaster
Sheepskin and Beewax made this awful plaster;
The more you try to get it off, The more it sticks the faster.
She had a sister very tall And if she?d kept on growing
She might have been a giant now, In fact there is no knowing
All of a sudden she became of her own height the master
And all because upon each foot Jemima put a plaster
Sheepskin and Beewax made this awful plaster;
The more you try to get it off, The more it sticks the faster.
There was a theif that night and day Kept stealing from the neighbors.
But none could find the rascal out with all their tricks and labors
She set a trap upon her step, And caught him with a plaster
The more he tried to get away The more he stuck the faster
Sheepskin and Beewax made this awful plaster;
The more you try to get it off, The more it sticks the faster.
Her neighbor had a Tomas cat That ate like any glutton
It never caught a mouse or rat, But stole both milk and mutton;
To keep it home she tried her best, but ne?er could be its master
Until she stuck it to the floor with Aunt Jemima?s plaster
Sheepskin and Beewax made this awful plaster;
The more you try to get it off, The more it sticks the faster.
Now if you have a dog or cat, a husband, wife, or lover,
That you would wish to keep at home, This plaster just discover
And if you wish to live in peace, avoiding all disaster
Take my advice and try the strength of Aunt Jemima?s plaster.
Sheepskin and Beewax made this awful plaster;
The more you try to get it off, The more it sticks the faster.