Judy Cook, Folksinger

Animal Songs for Adults

Recordings are Copyright Judy Cook and free for your personal use.
Video from Animal Songs 720
Higher resolution versions of all recordings are available for presentation. Contact Judy for permission and files.

12 Songs

Bill Hopkins' Colt Source Lyrics Recordings
Coast of Chilly Source Lyrics Recordings
Dead Dog Cider Source Lyrics Recordings
Ern and Zorry's Sneakin', Bitin' Dog Source Lyrics
Jovial Hunter Source Lyrics
Nogies Creek Source Lyrics
One Species Are We Source Lyrics
Pity Poor Peccary Source Lyrics
Place in the Choir, A Source Lyrics
Tails and Trotters Source Lyrics Recordings
Until the Black Flies Go Source Lyrics Recordings
Zebra Dun Source Lyrics Recordings